Sunday, December 27, 2009

morphine and marshmallow sandwiches

the pain doctor prescribed my mom Morphine on Wednesday. Having recently watched Saving Private Ryan, I know that morphine was almost always administered to mortally wounded soldiers. Her reaction to the drug could be mistaken for someone with a penchant for whiskey. Eyes glazed, slurred words, and falls asleep while eating. Although, she is smiling and in good humor we know that all the pain she suffered through the past ten years is being heavily masked by the painkiller.

With that prefaced, my mom made a sandwich last night that blew all of our minds.
- Two slices of slightly toasted Sun Maid Raisin Bread w/extra raisins
- Thinly spread all natural extra crunchy peanut butter
- Cover the surface with marshmallows
- Coat the other slice of bread with refridgerated fudge

This was enjoyed with a handful Baked Cheetos.

It is good to get told goodnight twice everynight by her and to hear her laugh.

The following is by a fellow University of North Texas Student (I attended this school post-baccaleureate for about a year).

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