Wednesday, October 21, 2009

history repeating itself

I'm getting a wicked case of Deja Vu right now. No, scratch that. What it really is history repeating itself and me thinking that I am about to have another experience just like the one i did two years ago. Once again I've outgrown my lame office job and sitting here wondering if I should venture out with another Spanish fellow I barely know to go halfway across the world, this time to Paris and back to his home in Barcelona, and risk coming up empty-handed at the end of it all? That's not to say that memories aren't great but to expect something more at the end of the adventure is just not realistic. That was a lesson hard learned and I'm thankful for the person it forced me to become but I'm wary of making those same mistakes in my life. Maybe it's possible things could be different this time??? I've been contemplating Barcelona all this time before even meeting this guy, so that'a pretty significant coincidence. It would be so much easier if could be half as interested in someone from my own country! Maybe I have an underlying belief that if there is no risk, there is no reward. Somehow I'm sure I will conjure up the courage to throw caution to the wind one more time.

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