Wednesday, January 13, 2010

everything is borrowed

I'm laying here. Another exhausting and frustrating day at the hospital. My mom doesn't seem to be making any progress. We haven't had a real conversation since before Christmas. She can't even get my name right. Wish her pain would go away.
Roger continues to amaze me. Every night he's either insisted on coming with me to the hospital to see her where he waits in the hospital lobby until I'm done, or drives the hour up to the Woodlands to sit and talk with me after he gets off work and drives back to town late at night. He's everything and more than i could ever asked for in a friend. In fact, all the things i have been hoping and wishing for over the past few years have been packaged up and with extra special additions in this one person. Makes me wonder if God really does exist and has been watching over me all this time. everything up to this point has been practice and preparation.
this is a pretty amazing.
Someone introduced me to this group called The Streets while on a busride to Edinburgh Scotland nearly two years ago this month. Their songs are nothing short of inspirational and focus on giving hope to people in despair.
My 2nd night in Barcelona, the 31th of december, I sat down to have dinner with Roger's mom, dad, sisters, and their friends for a New Year's Eve feast. Mariona, the younger of the three siblings, who is just one year younger than me, brings me a small box wrapped in Christmas paper. I can't believe that they thought of giving me a gift before i even arrived. How sweet is that!
As I unwrapped the present I find that  it's a brown cardboard box and on each of the sides are the words: "1,000,000 Cuddles" in english, and in Spanish "1,000,000 Mimos". Except for one side that has verses written on it,again in Spanish, then Catalan, and finally in English. It reads:

"I came to this world with nothing. I will leave with nothing but love. Everything Else is Just Borrowed" -
This box is not empty. It might seem to be, but it's not. This box is full of Love. It's certainly hard to see it, but this is because Love is not to be seen. It is to be Given.

This took my breath away because what are the chances that this song would come back to me nearly two years later in such a great way.  As I open the box there is a small folded piece of paper that has the verse written again. On the back side it adds:

Tiny Things are worth a lot. Kisses, hugs, and acts of kindness aer ways of showing our affection and affect to others. They are expressions that here and ow are worth so much because they can help sick children from all over the world get the treatment they need, and which might not be available wherever they are. Thanks for showing your love. Program Cuidam del Hospital San Joan de Deu. www.

My eyes are starting to well up with tears, then Mariona explains that the fiance of Laia (the oldest sister) works in a hospital and this was a promotion to raise money for fighting leukemia, specifically children fighting the disease. How could they have known that my mom was suffering from the same ailment?

The world works in mysterious ways.

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