Sunday, January 24, 2010

Is officially 'in a relationship'. Haha. My dad will be pleased that roger is making me an honest woman, at least as far as facebook is concerned. However, this is officially our last sunday in his houston apt. He leaves next sunday for home then to lyon france to start the new project. Yesterday we bought french lessons on cds to help me get started. Its a long shot but i don´t want anything more in the world than to go with him. Plus, my mom LOVED him and told me she wanted him as a son-in-law. stay tuned because maybe i will find out what Carla Bruni was singing about after all. see blog from September 9th...

I just looked up the translation:

Quelqu’un M’a Dit

Someone told me that our lives aren't a big thing(*guess it means something important)

They pass on the instant as discolour roses

Someone told me that the time that pass is a bastard

that is making topcoats from our grief

However someone said to me...


Who do you still love,

This is someone that've told me that you still love me.

Is it possible then?

Someone told me that the destiny is scoffing at us

dont't give us anything and that promise us everything

Appear that the happiness is only for the reach hands

Then they tighten the hand and find themselves crazy

But someone have told me...


But who can tell me that today you are loving me?

I don't remember more it was late in the night,

I'm still hearing the voice, but I don't see anymore the ?points?

"He loves you, it's a secret, don't tell him that I tell you"

You see, someone told me...

Who do you still love, he really told me...

Who do you still love, is it possible then?

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