Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Downward Facing Blog

It's a somber evening here on Eagle Mead Place. The two Americans on the Air France flight that went missing yesterday, Michael Harris and his wife Anne, owned house just two doors from mine. I noticed something was going on last night when I turned the corner into my subdivision and there were newscrews lined up at the entrance and then the abnormally large amount of cars parked on the street with both Louisiana and Texas license plates. Then the heartbreaking news came today when Maryann, my friend right next door, talked about the missing couple on our local broadcast.

It's so mindblowing to think how quickly life can come and go in the blink of an eye. It can be quite heavy weight on the heart, but it makes me appreciate that I get to be spending [an indeterminable amount of] time back in Texas close to my family and old friends again. I think about last year when I was living in Pacific Beach, California and woke up to our street being taped off and flooded with police and new vans. Come to find out the our neighbor across the street got into an argument with his roommate and fatally stabbed him during the early morning hours. It saddened everyone around us and there was a strange feeling in the neighborhood for quite some time. What it taught me is that I think though it's good to be able to separate yourself from the situation and find some way to relieve the burden from your mind.
Today I decided instead of letting it get me down, I would try to find some way to refocus and I remembered something my friend Jen has recently thrown herself into, Yoga. She has proclaimed herself the most impatient person on the planet and she seems to have found some peace from the daily exercise. So, I looked up all the surrounding fitness clubs in the area until I found a class that started at 7:30. I got there early so I could warm up on the treadmill and mentally prepare myself to just RELAX.

Well, it worked. I don't know what it is about the poses like the back bend, the warrior, and the diver that just makes you bring all your attention to the different parts of your body and close out everything else in the world. Maybe it's just having relaxing music in combination with a dimly lit room, or the fact that a slow and soft spoken instructor is constantly guiding you through gradual and incessant motions. Fifty-five minutes into the class we were lying down on our mats, eyes closed and letting go of every tension in our bodies. After not getting more than 3 hours of sleep last night due to a broken air conditioner at my house, I was well on my way to dozing off with a blissful grin on my face. Just as I was about to drift away, I hear mind shattering snoring, the older gentleman directly behind me beat me to the chase. Another day I suppose.

A recent study conducted on Yoga vs. Reading, concluded that practicing yoga created more of the brain chemical called GABA that causes the body and mind to feel soothed and calm. As a result, Yoga lessened the symptoms of depression and nervousness far more than picking up a book.

I would agree with this study except for I know nearly everytime I try to read when I get in bed, I rarely make it more than three pages before I wake up an hour later with my face in the binding. Which means if I finish a book, then it must have been a hell of a great story.

Besides, look at these positions, Yoga can great for so many things such as flexibility. What other reason do you need?

I wonder what would happen if I mixed Yoga and Reading? Time to find out and hopefully get some beauty sleep tonight.
"Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams."
-Ashley Smith
Ciao for Now.

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