Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sorry about what happens later

I knew this was going to happen.... I got way too excited about this whole blog thing and then in the blink of an eye I dropped it like a bad habit. Typical Sarah behavior, throwing myself into something 100% then getting distracted with some other project or anything else that comes along that catches my eye. Wasn't too sure anyone was even reading all my rants and rambles but to my amazement it did circulate a little amongst some friends. So, being that I'm not one who likes to let anyone down I figure I'll give it another go just don't expect too much tonight as I am exhausted and have to get up early in the morning. Maybe tomorrow night I will have more energy, hehe. Anywho, this is a 30 second clip of what I look forward to every monday through friday.......acted out by bunnies, enjoy!


I finally figured out how to post a vid. no big deal.

So here' a couple tunes for your summer playlist. The first is an old mash mix that I came across a long time ago that rocks. The strokes make this song so much better.

I finally got my dad a guitar for father's day and he's teaching me some Willie Nelson songs, because he's my favorite.

This last one I plan on learning because I'm on such a Jack White kick right now.

Ciao for now.

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