Sunday, November 29, 2009

Do Good

I listen to people's sad stories about their hardships all day long, finding solutions for them has been in my job description for the past 5 years. Within in my company we are having to bend over backwards to help people and find creative solutions to keep them positive in their times of crisis. It's had me thinking about how we can do something on a larger scale.

My dad and I have been brainstorming and together we finished our letter to President Obama last week with some of our ideas for a job stimulus program. By our calculations, it would be more beneficial for the government to distribute unemployment benefits back into a company that is laying off employees to keep these workers rather than paying people who lost their jobs to sit at home. We know that companies are not able to hire right now and surely they could use the manpower even though they cannot afford to keep paying the wages. This way the employees can continue to work until this economical slump starts to wane and they will maintain some smidgen of dignity as well.

That's just a small summary of part of the letter, can't give away all our secrets. Something has got to change...

Make a difference!,0,6709245.story

In this time of need, if you are someone who can give go pick up a Salvation Army Angel this holiday season. I walked over to the Galleria and got my first child to help. If you do not have the extra cash right now, find a way to donate your time. It can make the difference in someone's life!

If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.


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