Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Favorite Things: Veterans Day edition

Happy Veterans Day! This blog goes out to all those who have served our country so bravely.

You just can't top the following compilation of my favorite things: the United States Military, Sunday Fundays, the wicked power of Blue and Gold, and Going Green.
This has been one of the most fun-filled weeks in a very long time!
Last Sunday, R and I ventured out to an air show just south of the city. After taking a wrong turn we stumbled upon a beautiful hill top where we could get a perfect view of the runway. It ended up being the best seat in the house as all aircrafts, including the Blue Angels circled directly overhead the entire day. That's smoke in the background from the bombing effects show they put on.

The Blue Angels are AMAZING!!! I'm especially proud of the Navy because both my parents served and I was born on base in Maryland.

On Tuesday the 3rd, we celebrated our one-month anniversary! He makes me feel like the luckiest girl in the world except for the tiny detail that he only he'll only be here until December 4th. Then he'll go back home to Barcelona and then off to work in Paris. We're planning a trip for me to go visit for New Years, and then who knows where this will lead...... For now, I'm just going to enjoy all the wonderful times we're having.

When it rains it pours and fortunately it's all good things at the present moment Just when I though I couldn't stand the same old routine at work, things got pretty exciting last week. My company wanted to launch a new project have completed within the next 4 months to enhance the business. I suggested we should Go Green and see just how "paperless" our office can be. Needless to say, the President loved it and I was unanimously voted as team leader for the project!!!! To top it off, up until the start of April I'll get to manage all the office managers and others in this huge undertaking. We will get to present our completed project by the start of the 40th Earth Month anniversary, how perfect is that! Seriously, these are the kind of tasks I live for.

Check this out....

After we watched the FCB (which I must add the Barcelona Soccer team is the hottest group of men in sports today) win their match Saturday night, we took in an Aeros hockey game with my friend Amanda and her husband Vino. While making our way to our seats we passed right by George H W Bush, Sr and he nodded at us! He was there for the special salute to the military night. We won 5 to 2, witnessed fights galore and passed the 41st president again on our way out! No big deal.

Back to another Sunday funday, R and I went to the Aquarium downtown and then over to the Hard Rock Cafe to watch the Chargers shame one of our archenemies, Eli Manning and his NY Giants in a clutch win 21-20!!!! Take that you big baby!

Love this headline......

After emotionally draining loss to Chargers, New York Giants' season is on life support

Ciao for now!

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